Extreme Meal Plan

Lose weight fast! Having two meals a day allows for a break of 15 hours between brunch and dinner. This "intermittent fasting" maximises fat burning. Use the programme for a maximum of 2 consecutive weeks at a time.

    MEAL 1 – AFTER 11AM

    OPTION 1

    1 Tony Ferguson Shake (2 scoops)
    1 portion fruit
    2 portions non-starchy vegetables

    OPTION 2

    1 Tony Ferguson Munch Bar
    1 portion fruit
    2 portions non-starchy vegetables


    OPTION 1

    1 Tony Ferguson Shake (2 scoops)
    1 portion protein (palm sized)
    2 portions non-starchy vegetables

    OPTION 2

    1 Tony Ferguson Munch Bar
    1 portion protein (palm-sized)
    2 portions non-starchy vegetables


    • 2 litres water
    • Black tea / coffee, as desired
    • Maximum of 250ml full cream milk (between 11am and 8pm)
    • Non-nutritive sweetener if/as desired
    • Sugar-free chewing gum and/or sweets
    • Tony Ferguson Diet Jelly


    Results may vary based on individuals factors and adherence and adjustment to the plan. Please consult your doctor or healthcare practitioner before starting any new eating or exercise programme or using any new products.
